Bouquet of Preserved Pink Roses in a round box, Long Lasting Luxury Flowers that last a year, Bouquet of Flowers for…


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  • Signature Small Round White Box is filled with 7-8 carefully picked Preserved Pink Roses.
  • The preserved rose has undergone a special treatment where the water inside the rose is replaced with a special preservative so it can last for years.
  • Our preserved rose bouquets are handmade using real preserved roses that last a year or more.
  • Our Roses are preserved to last a year or more and they come with a natural rose scent
  • The Round Box Measurements are 5 inches in Diameter by 5 inches tall


This is a handmade Bouquet made with real preserved roses that last up to a year or more. We make our bouquets in California and we keep a limited amount of inventory available for Amazon Prime currently. We ship out custom arrangements in 1 business day and offer date-specific delivery upon request. Please message our store for any questions.

Bouquets for all Occasions!

We offer a large selection of different types of long-lasting rose box bouquets. Choose from our Romantic heart box, designer quilted box, our Surprise Butterfly Box, or our classic round box.

Large Selection of Rose Colors.

We offer Rose colors in a large variety of colors including gold and silver. If you curious if we have your color, you can reach out to our shop.

Pick your Rose Box.

We offer rose bouquets in all shapes and sizes for every occasion. Our roses will last over a year and come with a real natural rose scent that lasts for months.

Personalize Gifts!

We personalize your gifts!

You can customize your rose box and choose your rose colors by contacting us. We also do custom laser engraved plaque for our long lasting Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Rose in a glass dome.


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